Florida is one of a kind place with one of a kind people. From throwing alligators through drive-in windows to get a laugh, to real-life zombies attacking and eating people’s faces and the horribly sad news of a little league football coach getting murdered in front of his team.

A Florida middle school kid throwing a 2-by-4 at President Trump’s motorcade falls well behind those stories in craziness, but it should shock no one that this happened in the state of Florida before anywhere else.

Here is the news via The NY Post:

A middle school student has confessed to tossing a piece of wood at President Trump’s motorcade in Florida, police said.

The unidentified youngster is facing charges for hurling the piece of 2-by-4 at one of the vehicles in the presidential motorcade as it headed down Southern Boulevard in Palm Beach shortly before 2 p.m. Friday, cops said.

When officers from the Palm Beach County’s Sheriff’s Office questioned the suspect, the child “implicated” four other students who were involved in the incident. It’s unclear if they too have been nabbed.

Cops said charges against the boy will be filed with the PBC State’s Attorney’s Office.

Trump was heading to his Mar-a-Lago resort nearby when the motorcade was struck.

It’s pretty clear that this kid hasn’t been paying too close attention in his classes nor to the news as he tried to throw a piece of wood at a car that is built like an actual tank. A piece of wood thrown by a middle schooler or Aroldis Chapman for that matters is going to do about as much damage as a bird’s feather falling to the ground.

[NY Post]