This video may give you all the feels like it gave me all the feels and you may not really know what to think of it, but that’s okay.

Stuff isn’t great in some areas of the Middle East, we all know that. People are still going on with their lives of course and enjoying some pick-up soccer even with air strikes going off in the very near distance.

Here is video evidence via Sultan Rajab:

On one end of the spectrum you’re probably thinking damn this is pretty cool that these people are giving the middle finger to all that is going on and they’re going to enjoy kicking the soccer ball around no matter the situation.

Thennnnn you’re like wow this is horrible, these people seem to be numb about everything going on around them and playing soccer while bombs are going off a few hundred yards away is just part of life and they know no different.

Did the people know these air strikes were going to be happening? Who knows. Do they give a damn that they’re going on and are they going to let them mess with their soccer game? Hell no.

[Barstool Sports]